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Frequently Asked Questions

This is where you will get all the most common questions about chiropractic care answered. Such as :

"How much does a chiropractor cost?"

"Do chiropractors take insurance?"

"Is chiropractic safe?"

"Who should not go to a chiropractor?"

 If you have other questions, please reach out with a call or our chat box and we will get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.


Plans and Pricing


                           Adjustment              Adjustment &



Pay Per Visit           $50                               $60


Package of 12        $480                             $600


Wellness Plan        $70 / mo.                     $80 / mo.


Emergency /

Weekend Visits      $75                               $100


 * Therapy includes Massage Chair or 

    Intersegmental Traction Roller Bed​


Wellness Plan Details​

  • 2 visits per month 

  • 3 month minimum commitment

  • No exams, corrective exercises or digital posture assessments to monitor progress

  • Any injury or complaint that requires more detailed evaluation and treatment temporarily suspends wellness plan until that episode is resolved

  • Additional visits requested beyond the 2 WP sessions will revert to the Pay Per Visit Cost 


Why I am not contracted with insurance companies and am a fee for service healthcare provider.


In a nutshell, insurance companies and the contracts they offer doctors are largely responsible for all of the things you hate about healthcare.


*Difficulty getting an appointment

*Long wait times when you do

*And not being heard / poor bedside manner / inadequate time with the doctor at your visit.


     Many insurance plans offer very low reimbursement rates compared to the usual, reasonable and customary fees.  Doctors accept these rates to have access to patients in the network.  It’s a trade-off that really doesn’t offer either party much benefit.  You see, doctors must load their schedules with as many appointments as possible, frequently get backed up and then must rush through your visit to get to the next patient.

     At Posture Pro Chiropractic you will rarely, if ever, have to wait.  And, in the event you do it will only be a matter of a few minutes.  Your appointment time is your appointment time.  I do not overbook my calendar and your visit will never be rushed. You will get 100% of me and some of the best attention and care you will ever find in the health field.  


*The High Cost of Care


     I understand that you work hard and pay a good chunk of your hard earned dollars towards your insurance benefits and therefore want to use them.  But please understand that insurance companies are for-profit businesses.  They are not truly there to help you with your medical costs.  They are beholden to their shareholders and are trying to make as much money as possible.  

     This coupled with the lower contracted rates described above results in an ongoing game, in which, the doctors continually raise their usual, reasonable and customary fees to try and prop up the base contracted rate.  The insurance companies respond by charging your employer more or raising copays and deductible amounts.  To which doctors raise their rates or bill as much as they can so that they eat through your deductibles in order to access the insurance reimbursements, etc etc.  And this never ending cycle is why healthcare costs have skyrocketed since the initiation of managed care. 

     At Posture Pro Chiropractic we streamline our practice and keep our overhead low so we can have reasonable rates for our services.  Our fees are actually in line with a lot of insurance companies' copays for specialists visits.  We can offer these affordable fees to you because we are not involved in the rat race to see who can acquire more. 

     And, just because I am not contracted with your insurance company doesn't always mean you can't utilize your insurance for the care I provide.  When applicable, we provide a superbill to our patients that has all the information needed to file your own claim for reimbursement.


*Surprise medical bills


     Even though you may go to a doctor in your plan and you pay your co-pay at the time of service, they may order diagnostics or therapies that are not a covered benefit that you only find out about when you receive that EOB (Explanation of Benefits) which shows more money that you owe.  Or in some cases the insurance company, after the fact, decides that half of the visits you did are not medically necessary and therefore won’t pay for the services leaving you with an unexpected cost you weren’t planning on or budgeted for. 

     At Posture Pro Chiropractic you always know exactly what is being prescribed and the cost of care upfront.  You will never be billed anything additional and are given several options to help meet your budget including Pre-Pay savings or Payment Plans..


     Chiropractic Care is extremely safe.  In general, Chiropractic malpractice premiums are some of the most affordable in the entire healthcare field. 

     For instance, my premiums for my auto insurance to primarily drive 5 minutes to and from work is more expensive than my premiums for chiropractic malpractice.  Essentially, it is far more dangerous for me to get in my car and drive 3 miles than it is to receive chiropractic therapy from a chiropractor.

     And, since I have been helping thousands of people with headaches, neck pain, back pain and sciatica look, move and feel their best since 1999 you can rest assured you are in good hands and will only receive the most appropriate care or a referral if you do not have a chiropractic problem. 


     If you are experiencing the worst headache of your life, have lower back pain and incontinence, feel pain behind your ear and into jaw or experience paralysis of one side of the face please seek emergency medical care to rule out any life threatening conditions before calling a chiropractor.

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